March Client of the Month

Meet Debbie Bagley, March 2018 Client of the Month!  Debbie joined us in September 2017 for our Fall Back to Fitness 42 Day Challenge.   She brings her humor and sarcasm.

She is less than one pound away from a 30 pound weight loss, but has really improved her visceral fat jumping 4 points during that time and lost many, many inches!

As she will tell you she has also gained plenty of new friends!  Fun fact…Debbie and I went to high school together!!!

Kudos to you, Debbie, let’s keep it rolling!

Born in?  Norristown, PA

When did you start training with MFitness?   September 2017, Fall back to Fitness Challenge

What does the MFitness for Life culture mean to you?  I’ve never been anywhere where everyone is so caring & supportive, like genuinely.   The MFFL Culture is a team philosophy.   If I’m struggling there is always someone there to help me out and, on the flip side, push me harder if that’s what I need.    So I guess it means that I know that someone’s got my back.

Favorite exercise?  How is this even a question?

Least favorite exercise?  All of them!

What do you do when you’re not at MFitness?  I work as a bookkeeper for H&S Business Partners.  I parent 2 boys, Luke & Tucker (17 & 22), and try to be a decent wife to T.J. (53).   I nap.  I listen to country music and attend concerts as often as possible.  I bake things that I no longer eat (at least not as often!).   I enjoy crafting.  I convince my friends to travel to Nashville with me.  I nap.   

Guilty indulgences?   Baked goods, Lucky Charms & Diet Pepsi

Your secret to success in sticking with your fitness journey here at MFitness?    I have no secrets 😉  I still don’t enjoy exercise, but the folks at MFitness make it fun to keep coming back.  The key to all of it is the instruction/encouragement /inspiration that I get from Michele, Janine, Eileen, Bill and each and every member!    I started at MFitness thinking it would jump-start a new fitness regimen, not planning to stay past the 6 weeks.  6 months later, I’m at the studio 4-5x/week and really feeling/loving the results.  And I’ve made some damn good friends, which I never expected <3

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