USB Bird Dog Drag! The first time I did this 7 weeks ago, I couldn’t even move the USB bag and it took all my strength just to raise my legs and arms at the same time, plus being my knees as tears are running down my face because I realized I was at ground zero. I had no strength in my core and feared this was the new normal. This week I did it without even thinking and moved that bag easily! No tears just joy! That is progress and what you can expect from Michele!
By the way, we have never worked-out in person only through Zoom! It was all achieved virtually! My story began 10 months ago I was a fit and active. I was diagnosed with severe anemia through routine bloodwork and brushed off all the symptoms to being “just tired” and normal issues for women in perimenopause. Well, nothing I was experiencing was normal. It took another 4 months to get my hemoglobin levels and iron back up to a low normal range to have a full abdominal hysterectomy, a 5 lb fibroid and smaller fibroids removed, plus an umbilical hernia removed, and reconstructive surgery on my belly button. It was major surgery. Thankfully, I was in good physical shape and after 5 months I was ready to start from ground zero and learn to rebuild myself but I wanted to do it safely. I found Michelle through friend’s recommendations on Facebook. Doing more research, I realized that Michele and I actually worked together years ago at Lady of America here in Royersford.
Michele’s compassion and knowledge shines through from her first consultation to discuss my goals and concerns to our bi-weekly Zoom group training sessions. She cares about each of her clients and wants to help you reach your full
potential but in a safe way. She not only trained me physically but also mentally. She talked me through some really tearful moments when I wanted to do more but my body wasn’t ready.
Michele encourages good form and modifications during a Zoom session. She is detailed and demonstrates each workout during the session and even has videos on YouTube for when you are working out on your own and need a reference. Michelle makes herself accessible to you for questions or even just a pep talk through Voxer. I love that she offers small group training through Zoom, too. This helped to keep it affordable and kept me motivated when I worked out with others
from home.
Over these past 7 weeks, I am gaining muscle tone, abdominal strength, flexibility, and confidence as I embrace this new chapter of my life! I can’t thank Michele enough for being by my side cheering me on, keeping me safe in form, and pushing me beyond what I thought I could achieve! This month, I am celebrating 6 months post-op, officially being released from my hematologist, feeling healthy and feeling physically fit! I am so glad to have found Michelle, again, and to have her by my side as I continue on this journey. I highly recommend Michele and you will be amazed at all you can achieve through her Zoom personal training sessions!
Cathy S.
I have been aware of and working on my fitness and nutrition for many years. But I would say I take the lazy way of doing things. Yes, I would go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week, take a yoga class 2 times a week. But I was always doing the same cardio machines, the same weight machines and the same exercises on them all the time. It seemed sufficient. I eat generally as a healthy person, but I’m still that lady who wants to lose 10 lbs.
My biggest obstacles to my health and wellness are me .I don’t like exercise, never have. I love reading and TV, so what does that tell you? I do like the WAY exercise makes me feel, though and I know intellectually that it’s necessary and good for me. So I have always done exercise but certainly with a half-way attitude. The thing that drove me to MFitness was my inability to carry my 15 lb granddaughter around, lift her out of her crib, her car seat, her stroller without pain in my back, legs, shoulders and hips. And I knew it would only get worse. So I decided to go somewhere where fitness for people my age were the focus and yet the program would be to truly work on fitness. I am absolutely certain my strength has multiplied tremendously, I have actually lost inches, but that was really a secondary goal. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to see that granddaughter since I’ve made remarkable progress because of Covid-19. But that only makes me want to continue on my journey of strength and fitness because who knows how much she will weigh next time I see her?!
The best part about this is that Michele has not lost a minute in keeping us working out. She made sure we had equipment at home, Zoom classes and Facebook live classes and I’m actually working out more than ever because I don’t have to drive anywhere to get to it!
I would not hesitate to recommend MFitness and Michele to anyone and everyone. She is extremely conscious of one’s limitations yet she works you hard enough to make sure you are progressing all the time. This has been one of the best personal decisions I have made in a long time.
I would say the most important things I’ve learned about my own fitness is that It is critical to never stop, that I have more capability than I imagined, that a personal coach is more important than I realized and that even if you hate exercise, it doesn’t take as much time as you think to make remarkable, permanent, healthy changes you will only love.