5 Things a Personal Training Studio Offers that a Mainstream Gym or Boutique Group Exercise Studio Won’t

What’s the difference between “group exercise” in a small boutique studio or a big box gym and “training” in a personal training studio?

We do “training”. They do “classes”.  BOOM!


1. Workout Tailored to Your Needs

Yes, in a fitness studio with classes, you might sweat and think you’re getting a great workout but often it’s a one-sized fits all solution. You may also get injured.  And although it might be right for many people, it may not be the best option for you!

A reputable training gym, on the other hand, will have an experienced coach sit down with every client and talk to them about their exercise history and current lifestyle habits including sleep, stress, nutrition and exercise habits and also watch the client move. All of these factors are important in identifying how a client should begin their exercise program and also any contraindications of exercises that should not be performed.

2. Body Composition Analysis

Why is this important?  Sometimes when you begin a workout program, you may actually GAIN weight.  How frustrating might THAT be?!  Well, it may be that your body fat decreased and your muscle increased, especially in your first few weeks-months.  That is a GREAT thing…especially as we get older!  It’s important to know what your starting with as far as fat, muscle and water.  It’s also important to know how much lean body mass you have especially if you are starting a strength training program as this will tell us how much protein you should intake daily.  

We can then monitor your body composition on a monthly or quarterly basis to make sure you are on the right track.

3. Nutritional Guidance

I used to think everyone knew what I knew about nutrition!  Ummmm, well THAT was seriously unrealistic!  There is so much conflicting information that we are bombarded with on a daily basis.  Food marketing companies are brilliant!  And anyone can publish anything on the internet, so be cautious of your resources!  As a health and fitness professional it’s our JOB to know what foods best fuel the body, but who else has the time or energy to grasp that knowledge!?  

If you’re looking for a specific meal plan, then you should seek out a Registered Dietician.  But a knowledgeable coach can help you select foods that best fuel the body!  A quick glance at a food journal and we can easily offer some suggestions or alternatives.

We can also help you figure out supplementation, especially when starting an exercise program.  It would be wonderful if everyone could get ALL of their necessary nutrients from food, but let’s be realistic.  It’s not easy to have perfect nutrition.  In addition, depending on the time of year and our stress levels, we may be missing some important nutrients!

4. Accountability Partner

Most gyms are ok if you pay and don’t show up!  A good training studio/gym won’t allow that to happen.  I can speak for Mfitness and many in my inner circle of studio owners…we have systems in place that track who isn’t showing up and then we hunt those people down and bring them back in!  So, when we say we are your partner in this wellness game, we mean it!  

5. Movement Assessment

This involves a series of movement patterns that measure mobility, stability and strength.  Depending on how your movement is scored you may need areas addressed prior to doing certain exercises to avoid injury.  This basically tells us how to program your workouts and tailor them to your needs specifically.  The screens will also assist your coach in helping you correct your alignment.  

My foray into fitness began with group exercise, teaching all types of classes from 1994-2016. I absolutely LOVED teaching. It was so much FUN! It was also the inroads to the group Training format that I love so much more than one on one personal training!

BUT, group exercise, regardless of a boutique or larger gym, is mostly a one-sized fits all experience. While they may provide towels and lockers, what they don’t typically provide is a personalized experience or program for an individual.

After spending lots of time educating myself, I realized the group ex format was not something ALL folks could do safely! I noticed many of my group participants doing squats, lunges and overhead presses in a popular circuit training class that I taught for many years moving with improper form. I saw weighted bars on rounded shoulders with people leaning forward, creating a low back nightmare, heels lifting off the ground, creating a potential knee injury during squats and lunges and limited range of motion during shoulder presses.  Just to name a few!

The participants didn’t know what they didn’t know. If everyone else was doing it, they could too. Why would they think any different? It’s not because they didn’t know what to do but because their previous injuries and/or lifestyle prevented them from moving optimally. Not only were they unable to move well in some cases, but they were adding load or weight in the form of a barbell or dumbbells to a dysfunctional movement.

As the instructor of the class I was unable to leave the stage to approach the participant and instruct them to avoid a particular movement or what might be a safer alternative. All I could do was make eye contact and offer safer suggestions.

Having worked with thousands of middle-aged adult clients within 20 years, I noticed that hips and shoulders lack mobility and there were plenty of knee and low back issues due to lack of core strength as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

Let’s be real, who gets up off the couch to change the channel or answer the phone. Our phones and other electronic devices can give us answers to everything we need. We have robots for vacuum cleaners. There’s an app to have dinner delivered to your door, so you never need to leave your house. Does anyone even get up to answer the front door?  Car washes?  We sit to eat, drive and work!

Putting these folks in a large group exercise environment and having them risk injury doing one-sized fits all workouts was no longer something I wanted to do!

Even today I am finding in a large group training environment, clients will want to follow the rest of the crowd even though safer alternatives have been suggested!

Small group training is an even more effective training option! There is more hands-on coaching than team training. Clients see results faster.   More advanced exercises can be programmed and exercises are aimed to address personal needs.   A client gets an even more personalized experience, in a community environment, creating a FUN atmosphere and at reduced personal training prices!  WIN WIN WIN!

There is still a place for group exercise for sure, but if you have had prior injuries, are over the age of 40, are experiencing pain, it’s most likely not the best option for you!

If you are a beginner exerciser and have no clue where to start, click the link and sign up for our NEW FIT and 50+ Beginner Program!


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